Goodbye Fall, Hello Winter
As fall is coming to a close, we’re saying “goodbye” to fall and “hello” to winter. We’re celebrating the end of the fall season by wrapping up our fall projects and playing in the snow!
At the beginning of the fall, the preschoolers harvested wild flowers and pressed them in a flower press. We waited a couple of months for the flowers to dry out and wondered how we could preserve these fall flowers. To our delight, we were gifted “magic fairy paper” by the forest fairies. The preschoolers were very excited to save of colors of the fall with this paper.
We placed the pressed flowers between two pieces of this magical paper and transformed the paper and flowers into a stained glass window. The preschoolers were very proud of their work.

Yet another fairy project was created this fall. In the mid fall, we made a dye using black walnuts. We then dyed a piece of white fabric and watched the color of the fabric turn to a rich brown color. The preschoolers were curious about this special black walnut potion and its interesting powers.
We decided to use the fabric to create “fairy pouches”. The preschoolers learned how to trace a circle in the special fabric and to sew around the outside of the circle.
What fits into a fairy pouch? Well, the preschoolers listened to a story about how fairies travel with these pouches to help them carry seeds to new places.

In addition to our projects, our group is very excited about snow and the coming of winter! The preschoolers love snow tasting, sliding down the frozen climbing hill, and playing in the cozy shelter. Our group is very curious to notice the ways the snow transforms the forest and creates new mysteries to discover at Trillium Camp. We’re excited to welcome winter in the coming days!

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