First thing’s first: bury Will!
After three snow days in a row, the Nuthatches were ready to get back to preschool. How exciting it was to see everybody’s faces and play in the mountains of snow!
When the Nuthatches arrived, program director Wren was busy stamping down some paths across the front field with their snow shoes (thanks a million, Wren). Throughout the day we stayed warm just from the effort of walking through the deep, deep snow. Instead of going out to our camp, we stayed in the front field. Immediately the Nuthatches got going burying each other, tunneling through the snow mounds left by the plow, and throwing snow in the air and at each other. We made sure to remind each other not to throw snow in anyone’s face! We all know how unpleasant that is.

In order to make our circle we had to tramp down the snow several times. During circle, we met a new person! Francesca, who will be with us on Thursdays! We also sang the song that goes, “I hear the wolf and the fox and the weasel…” And our animal of the week is the fisher! We learned from Will that fishers have short legs and long bodies, and are some of the best hunters in the woods. Later some of the Nuthatches climbed and made tunnels in the snow like fisher do. We’ll be learning lots more about these cool creatures next week.
What fun it was to climb in and out of the snow mountains.
Some of us became volcanoes and erupted with great clouds of snow!
After a wonderful reading of Wolf Island at slunch, the Nuthatches continued to play and tell stories in the snow. Some of us even used the snow as a canvas to draw beautiful designs in. And finally, the sun shone down on us, making the world very bright and warm!
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