Ithaca forest preschool
Fall 2020 Slideshow
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us this Fall! We had an amazing time learning, laughing and exploring together. Here are a few images and videos to give you a glimpse into what a day at preschool is like. Wishing you a happy, healthy and safe holiday break and we look forward to seeing you in January!
With gratitude,
the Ithaca Forest Preschool Team
Ithaca forest Preschool
The Latest News from Our Blog
Week 4: Monday, Wednesday – Sparkling Snow and Cold Temps!
The sun shone in the cloudless sky and sparkled on the fresh snow as our flocks gathered on Monday for this week’s adventures. Bundled up in the cold morning air, the flocks did their best to guess this week's mystery animal. What do you think it was?ChickadeesDuring...
Week 4 Nuthatches, Tuesday: Raccoons (They’re Coming Out!)
Ready for an epic scavenger hunt? On Tuesday, the Nuthatches went on a quest. After making some beautiful snow angels in the field and getting our hearts pumping with Foxtail, we trekked to our camp. To our surprise, there was a gift left for us! On a log nearby by...
Week 3 Chickadees: Who-cooks-for-you?
This week arrived with freshly fallen snow, new friends, and new mysteries to uncover for the Chickadees. Maddy, who worked with the Chickadee flock in the fall, came back for the day! The children were so excited to see and play with her. They also got to meet...