Many days this fall we have spent time on the climbing hill at the end of the day. It is always a favorite activity for the preschoolers. They work hard learning about balance and looking for good handholds.

One day while collecting leaves for our shelter we took turns jumping in the leaves.

A big dying tree was cut down in the field where we gather in the morning. Many days we have gathered it’s branches for firewood. One day we watched the “big” homeschool kids cut some of the tree trunk, then helped them bop a wedge with a big mallet to split it.

Office Location:
Cornell Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850
607-272-2292 | email Us

Preschool Location:
4-H Acres, 418 Lower Creek Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850

Ithaca Forest Preschool is a nature immersion program for children ages 3-5. Our program is run in cooperation with Primitive Pursuits, a project of Cornell Cooperative Extension.