Ithaca forest preschool
Fall 2020 Slideshow
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us this Fall! We had an amazing time learning, laughing and exploring together. Here are a few images and videos to give you a glimpse into what a day at preschool is like. Wishing you a happy, healthy and safe holiday break and we look forward to seeing you in January!
With gratitude,
the Ithaca Forest Preschool Team
Ithaca forest Preschool
The Latest News from Our Blog
Week 2 Chickadees: Signs of Spring and Bird Wings
This week the Chickadees experienced all kinds of weather -- warm sunshine, blue skies and even snow!MONDAY "Chickadee-dee-dee-dee" went the Chickadee flock on Monday morning in Opening Circle. The children showed Ian, a winter Nuthatch instructor who was joining us...
Week 2 Nuthatches, Monday and Wednesday
This week, we embodied how nuthatches live, had lots of fun and tapped into our senses!We had a lot of energy this week that allowed us to play and learn as nuthatch birds might in the wild! We also had a special guest and tapped into lots of creativity and nature...
Week 2 Nuthatches, Tuesday and Thursday: Settling In and Branching Out
Welcome to the second week of Spring, Nuthatch families!This week the Nuthatches started to get comfortable with the spring: mud, water, and new friends were highlights!Note: Big thanks again to Emily Rose and Jamie Eggleston for contributing pictures! On Tuesday, the...