Ithaca Forest Preschool Parent Contact Share
Fill out this form if you would like to be included in the Spring Ithaca Forest Preschool Parent Contact Share.
Responses will be compiled on April 5th and emailed to respondents.
Fill out this form if you would like to be included in the Spring Ithaca Forest Preschool Parent Contact Share.
Responses will be compiled on April 5th and emailed to respondents.
Office Location:
Cornell Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850
607-272-2292 | email Us
Preschool Location:
4-H Acres, 418 Lower Creek Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
Ithaca Forest Preschool is a nature immersion program for children ages 3-5. Our program is run in cooperation with Primitive Pursuits, a project of Cornell Cooperative Extension.